Today's post is a shout out to those crazy kids that like me enough to stand up with me in front of over 200 other folks...
caption-quit screwing around and get dressed already
My absolute bff around-we've been pals since we were eight! She's a very brainy lawyer in TX.
she's known the black-mail goods for over 20 years, my trust-worthy bff that lets peeps register for classes at the university level in Co.
My oldest friend, since we were 6! She's a beautiful, creative dancer that helped choreograph our rockin' reception dance.
Love this guy! He showed up at jr high and his grade school pals thought he was dead! Lucky for me he wasn't, even though he's a busy engineer these days and I haven't heard from him in months (ahem)
I adore them all to pieces! Couldn't ask for a better group of best friends!
LOVE the photo in the "blue" room- it's so like...vogue!
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