A bad habit?! I have a baaa-aaad habit?! Oh my! Not me!
Today's post is all about denial bad habits...
Now, we practice drama transparency here at the BLT house, we lay all our stuff out on the table, so I consulted with my fay-vor-eeet boys and asked them my bad habits things to work on...
the votes are in, the results are calculated, the time has arrived, the big reveal is here...
the superficial--staying up toooooo late
the down-n-dirty--being too hard on myself--being a perfectionist about wayyy to much
oh and procrastinating, like putting off this post until the nth hour...(the voting from the hubs weighed in heavily on this one)
Who can have a post with no pictures! Not me, that's who!
These are my best 'habits'
don't forget to habitually check prenda le stelle for more bad habits
With kids as beautiful as yours, I'd say your bad habits cant be all that bad :-)
Aww great honest kiddies! If that's the extent of your bad habits... you're doing pretty great! ;D
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